A downloadable tool for Windows

A program that will create a 3D object from a 2D image, with a choice between one way and two way extrusion. The closer the colour is to white the more that colour will be extruded. 

Works best with small images (ie 128*128) but will work with larger images but may take time. If you look at the images to the side of this page it shows the output object from the lower image which is just 70 * 48 pixels. The colour black RGB(0,0,0) is used where you don't want a section drawn from the image at that location.

Known problem. (The output object is flipped horizontally so any images you use need to be flipped horizontal in a paint program first). 

I also like to load the object into a program like blender afterwards and use the merge vertices ability which will reduce the object size significantly a feature i almost have in the program but may not add.

The output object will appear in the same directory as the loaded image and with the same name but with the extension ".obj".

Most of the keys are displayed on screen with exception to the following

arrow keys  and a and z which all move the camera

This tool has been upgraded to here 3DEXTRUDER   for a much more advanced version.


MeshExtrudeTool.zip 2 MB

Install instructions

just unzip the folder and all of its contents and run the ".exe" there is instructions visible while program is running and the arrow keys and a/z control camera movement.

Development log